The influence of the street food experience on Ho Chi Minh City's destination image

Nguyen Thi Diem Kieu1, Le Trung Dao1
1 University of Finance – Marketing, Vietnam

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Culinary can be considered as the first impression of a destination for tourists and is also a significant factor in the decision-making process when choosing a travel destination. It serves as an excellent promotional tool for the destination's image. This study aims to explore the influence of street food experiences through two factors: the quality of street food experiences and the distinctive local culinary culture on the image of Ho Chi Minh City. A quantitative research method was employed, combining survey questionnaires with on-site surveys and quick interviews. Data were collected from 421 domestic tourists who experienced street food in Ho Chi Minh City, a renowned destination in Vietnam. The main data analysis techniques included descriptive statistics, testing the scale's reliability by calculating Cronbach's Alpha, exploratory factor analysis, and multiple linear regression. The research results indicate that the quality of street food experiences and the distinctive local culinary culture influence the image of Ho Chi Minh City. Based on these findings, managerial implications are suggested, emphasizing the need for governments and businesses to enhance and ensure the quality of street food, popularize and improve the interaction quality for street food vendors, preserve and promote the characteristics of street food culture, and promote the street food experience to enhance the image of Ho Chi Minh City in the eyes of tourists.

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