Personal values and potential personal innovation: Case study of college lecturers of in Ho Chi Minh City

Nguyen Hoang Son1, Nguyen Thi Hoai Trinh2, Nguyen Thai Hung1, Tran Thanh Phong1
1 College Of Foreign Economic Relation, Vietnam
2 Ho Chi Minh University of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam

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In this study, we use the concept of personal values to predict individual innovation for lecturers at colleges. As a partial mediator of job autonomy, the results suggest that personal values can explain a significant portion of individual innovative behavior. Qualitative research (refining the measures) combined with quantitative one (verifying the model) are used in this study. A convenient sample of 315 elements collected from 3 Colleges in Ho Chi Minh City was included in the analysis. The results show that all hypotheses in the model are statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. Finally, the study has proposed implications for managers in human management that job performance can be promoted by employees’ individual values and autonomy.

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Author Biography

Nguyen Hoang Son, College Of Foreign Economic Relation, Vietnam




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