Impacts of perceived justice, workplace fun on innovative work behavior and job performance of lecturers at universities in Ho Chi Minh City

Nguyen Thi Kim Ba1, , Le Thi Thanh Truc, Tran The Nam, Ho Thi Thanh Thuy, Chau My Chi
1 Trường Đại học Tài chính - Marketing
Ngày xuất bản: 25/06/2023
Ngày xuất bản Online: 25/06/2023
Chuyên mục: Bài nghiên cứu

Nội dung chính của bài viết

Tóm tắt

Due to an increasing application of technology in the global workforce, teachers have been assigned the strategic role in enhancing education quality. In such circumstances, teachers must be able to adapt to challenging requirements and overcome existing obstacles. In fact, teachers’ innovative work behavior and job performance are critical aspects of high-quality university education. It is often assumed that motivation is the source of effects that have great impacts on innovative behavior and job performance of lecturers at universities. In this study, the researchers aim at exploring the impacts of motivational factors that related to fun at workplace and justice that is perceived by lecturers at universities. A  conceptual framework that sheds light on whether perceived justice and workplace fun affect innovative work behavior and job performance of lecturers at universities is developed using theory of planned behaviors and organizational theory. In order to test the study hypotheses, an online survey using google forms was delivered to 152 lecturers who work in public universities in Ho Chi Minh City. Respondents completed an online survey to assess the degree they evaluate their assumptions related to workplace fun, perceived justice, innovative behavior and job performance. Data collected are analyzed using Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). Results show that understandings of perceived justice and attitude toward workplace fun have significant effects on innovative behavior, which then leads to significant impact on job performance


Due to an increasing application of technology in the global workforce, teachers have been assigned the strategic role in enhancing education quality. In such circumstances, teachers must be able to adapt to challenging requirements and overcome existing obstacles. In fact, teachers’ innovative work behavior and job performance are critical aspects of high-quality university education. It is often assumed that motivation is the source of effects that have great impacts on innovative behavior and job performance of lecturers at universities. In this study, the researchers aim at exploring the impacts of motivational factors that related to fun at workplace and justice that is perceived by lecturers at universities. A  conceptual framework that sheds light on whether perceived justice and workplace fun affect innovative work behavior and job performance of lecturers at universities is developed using theory of planned behaviors and organizational theory. In order to test the study hypotheses, an online survey using google forms was delivered to 152 lecturers who work in public universities in Ho Chi Minh City. Respondents completed an online survey to assess the degree they evaluate their assumptions related to workplace fun, perceived justice, innovative behavior and job performance. Data collected are analyzed using Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). Results show that understandings of perceived justice and attitude toward workplace fun have significant effects on innovative behavior, which then leads to significant impact on job performance.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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Trích dẫn bài báo
Ba, N. T. K., Truc, L. T. T., Nam, T. T., Thuy, H. T. T., & Chi, C. M. (2023). Impacts of perceived justice, workplace fun on innovative work behavior and job performance of lecturers at universities in Ho Chi Minh City. Tạp chí Nghiên cứu Tài chính - Marketing, 14(3), 63-75.