Impacts of coaching, empowerment, and social capital from managers on employees’ commitment to the organization: Moderating effect of co-workers’ supports

Le Xuan Quynh Anh1, , Nguyen Thi Thuy2, Bui Thi Nhi2, Tran The Nam2, Pham Nguyen Huyen Tran2
1 Trường Đại học Tài chính - Marketing
2 Trường Đại học Tài chính – Marketing
Ngày xuất bản: 25/12/2022
Ngày xuất bản Online: 26/02/2023
Chuyên mục: Bài nghiên cứu

Nội dung chính của bài viết

Tóm tắt

The commitment of employees with organization is a critical issue for any managers. This study is conducted to verify the impacts of leaders on employees’ commitment, especially three factors: coaching; empowerment; social capital. Furthermore, the moderating effect of co-worker supports is also examined. The mixed research method which included qualitative method and quantitative method is used. The primary data of 196 respondents who work in banks in Ho Chi Minh city as middle managers was analyzed with PLS-SEM method through the software SmartPLS. All three hypotheses about the impacts of independent variables on employees’ commitment are accepted, but three hypotheses about the moderating effect of “co-workers’ support” are rejected. In theory, the research results consolidated the prediction of social exchange theory that when employees received more favor from managers, they will engage more with the organization. In practice, the concerns and sharing of leaders with employees is a good tool to increase employees' commitment to the organization


The commitment of employees with organization is a critical issue for any managers. This study is conducted to verify the impacts of leaders on employees’ commitment, especially three factors: coaching; empowerment; social capital. Furthermore, the moderating effect of co-worker supports is also examined. The mixed research method which included qualitative method and quantitative method is used. The primary data of 196 respondents who work in banks in Ho Chi Minh city as middle managers was analyzed with PLS-SEM method through the software SmartPLS. All three hypotheses about the impacts of independent variables on employees’ commitment are accepted, but three hypotheses about the moderating effect of “co-workers’ support” are rejected. In theory, the research results consolidated the prediction of social exchange theory that when employees received more favor from managers, they will engage more with the organization. In practice, the concerns and sharing of leaders with employees is a good tool to increase employees' commitment to the organization

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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Trích dẫn bài báo
Anh, L. X. Q., Thúy, N. T., Nhi, B. T., Nam, T. T., & Trân, P. N. H. (2023). Impacts of coaching, empowerment, and social capital from managers on employees’ commitment to the organization: Moderating effect of co-workers’ supports. Tạp chí Nghiên cứu Tài chính - Marketing, 13(6), 106-116.