Financial technology and bank credit in Vietnam

Le Thi Thuy Hang1, Nguyen Duc Gia Bao1, Tran Duy Hung1, Nguyen Hoang Danh1, Nguyen Thi My Ngan1
1 University of Finance - Marketing, Vietnam

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Credit markets around the world are undergoing a profound transformation. Fintech and large technology companies are supporting bank credit activities provided to customers. This study examines how financial technology supports and brings risks to the credit-granting activities of banks in Vietnam. The VECM model was selected for regression with quarterly data from the first quarter of 2000 to the fourth quarter of 2021. The research results show that the level of financial technology in the banking credit sector has not yet been achieved. as much as other operations, but research results also show that the influence of financial technology on bank credit does not tend to decline in the long term. Therefore, regulatory agencies must increase and better manage credit activities with fintech platforms, ensuring stability in financial activities and market efficiency.

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