Evaluating the quality of Kols’ reviews on fashion Via Tiktok
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Tóm tắt
The Key Opinion Leader (KOL) phenomenon has swiftly gained popularity, especially in the context of product and service reviews. However, a noteworthy concern emerges as certain KOLs exploit consumers' trust and psychological predisposition. In parallel, consumers exhibit skepticism regarding the reliability and impartiality of information disseminated by KOLs. This study discusses the quality of KOL reviews of fashion products on TikTok. Using multiple regression analysis for a sample of 412 participants, the results show that expertise, trustworthiness, congruence of the KOL with the brand, the reputation of the KOL, and the content produced by the KOL positively impact the quality of KOL fashion product reviews. It underscores the affirmative impact of KOL reviews on consumers' purchase decisions. Therefore, KOLs play a vital role in shaping customers' purchasing decisions and should strive to maintain their authenticity and honesty while providing valuable insights to their viewers.
The Key Opinion Leader (KOL) phenomenon has swiftly gained popularity, especially in the context of product and service reviews. However, a noteworthy concern emerges as certain KOLs exploit consumers' trust and psychological predisposition. In parallel, consumers exhibit skepticism regarding the reliability and impartiality of information disseminated by KOLs. This study discusses the quality of KOL reviews of fashion products on TikTok. Using multiple regression analysis for a sample of 412 participants, the results show that expertise, trustworthiness, congruence of the KOL with the brand, the reputation of the KOL, and the content produced by the KOL positively impact the quality of KOL fashion product reviews. It underscores the affirmative impact of KOL reviews on consumers' purchase decisions. Therefore, KOLs play a vital role in shaping customers' purchasing decisions and should strive to maintain their authenticity and honesty while providing valuable insights to their viewers.
Từ khóa
KOL; Quality of the review; TikTok; Fashion; Review
Chi tiết bài viết
Tài liệu tham khảo
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