The study of the development of Vietnamese public sector accounting standards: The period of 1996 to 2023

Truong Thuy Van1
1 Quang Binh University, Vietnam

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On July 6, 2022, Decision No. 1366/QD-BTC announced 6 Vietnames Public Sector Accounting Standards (VPSAS) phase 2, bringing the total number of current Vietnamese Public Sector Accounting Standards to 11 standards, this is a huge step forward in consolidating Vietnam's public sector accounting system towards openness, transparency, based on accrual basis and towards international convergence with International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS). This is considered an inevitable trend of development for public sector accounting in Vietnam. However, in the coming time, the trend of converging with international public sector accounting standards poses challenges for Vietnam in terms of institutions, infrastructure, human qualifications and necessary conditions in the information system for public accounting. This article uses qualitative research methods throught studying documents and regulations related to Vietnamese public accounting to assess the progress of Vietnamese public sector accounting in the period from 1996 to 2023 in order to confirm the inevitable trend of development and give some orientations in the coming time for Vietnamese public sector accounting.

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