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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  •   The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  •   The submission files must has both Microsoft Word (doc, docx) and PDF file format.
  •   Articles not longer than 25 pages (including tables, notes, references and appendices)
  •   Articles must be written in Microsoft Word; Times New Roman font; font size 12; paper size A4; single line spacing; Font size for References 10
  •   The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

The manuscripts accepted in The Journal of Finance – Marketing Research have not been previously or elsewhere published. The authors are responsible for not submitting the manuscript to more than one journal for simultaneous consideration when the refusal of the Editorial Director has not been confirmed.
The manuscript, with maximum 25 pages (including table of content, notes, references, and appendices), is compiled using Microsoft Word, Times New Roman font, font size at 12, A4 page size with single spacing, font size for references at 10.
Submission: Please submit a soft copy to The Journal (Word and PDF) via email: jfm@ufm.edu.vn or
2.1. Title
The title of the manuscript should be brief (no more than 20 words), clear, and reflect the main content of the article.
2.2. Abstract
The abstract must be written concisely in a paragraph (no more than 300 words), reflecting the main content of the manuscript clearly and stating objectives, data, methodology, results, contributions, novelty and important recommendations (if any).
2.3. Keywords
The author should provide 3 to 5 keywords of the article in alphabetical order and represent the characteristics of the article’s topic.
2.4. Introduction
The introduction (statement of the problem) should demonstrate: (i) The significance of the study; (ii) the aim of study; (iii) Expected theoretical and practical contributions; (iv) Novelty of the study; (v) The main content that the article will focus on.
2.5. Literature review, Theoretical framework and Methods
This section should: (i) clearly present the overview of the research relevant theoretical foundations; (ii) have theoretical framework or analytical framework used in the article; (iii) The writer can select quantitative or qualitative research methods, or both, depending on their chosen approach, in which it is necessary to demonstrate models and hypotheses, research scale (quantitative research) and/or qualitative research design, as well as data collection methods.
2.6. Results and discussion
This section should: (i) Interpret and analyze novel discovered results; (ii) Draw out a general relationship, connection between the author’s research results and other findings in the previous studies.
For some types of the article that are advisory, policy critique, expert opinions, etc., this section solely concentrates on evaluating the current state of the research problem (achievement assessment, limitations and causes…).
2.7. Conclusions or/and policy implications
Depending on the objectives of the study, articles should conclude and offer some solutions or recommendations to business managers and/or policymakers based on the research findings.
2.8. References
The author lists references cited in the article according to APA 7th reference style (please include DOI or URL).