Impacts of anti-dumping duties on firm’s performance: Evidence from listed firms in seafood industry in Vietnam
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The study aims to examine the impact of the anti-dumping tax imposed by the United States under the simultaneous influence of financial factors on the performance of enterprises in the seafood export industry. The author selected data including 21 companies listed on the Vietnamese stock market in the period 2017 - 2022, and used GMM estimation technique to retest the influence of familiar factors such as lag of the firm’s performance, size, leverage, liquidity ratio, sales growth rate to the firm’s performance (measured by ROA), in addition, the paper also provides additional evidence on the impact of new factors: anti-dumping tax and export sales ratio. Research results show that (1) 6 out of 7 independent variables including , Size, Liq, g, ADr, / are statistically significant, (2) anti-dumping tax rate and geographic revenue structure are both recorded negative impacts on performance. The results of this study contribute academically by providing a new insight into the relationship between revenue and profit in the case of exporting to countries that apply anti-dumping tax and contribute practically by proposing some implications for foreign trade policy and corporate financial management strategy.
Chi tiết bài viết
Từ khóa
Anti-dumping duties, Export revenue, Seafood industry, Tax rate, Firm’s performance, Vietnam
Tài liệu tham khảo
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